
Child's Own Studio

Imagine being a kid and having one of your drawings turned into a stuffed animal. Wouldn't that have been amazing? I just found Child's Own Studio, a place that does just that, unfortunately for me about 25 years too late.

I like this one in particular. 



That's a pretty solid interpretation!


The sads

Allie over at Hyperbole and a Half is funny. Really funny. She draws pictures like this:

And tells stories that include lines like this:
The fisherman set his bucket on the dock and let me pick out my fish.  I chose the cutest fish I could find and lovingly transferred it to my own bucket.   "Hi," I whispered; "My name is Allie.  I'm your new best friend."

After being AWOL for a bit she came back to her blog with a new post about depression. I think we've all felt sad like this from time to time, maybe not for months at a time, but every once in a while. I feel like a total fangirl writing this, but her post made me feel sad and thoughtful, and made me laugh out loud. Worth the read for sure.


I don't like Halloween. Never have. I think it may have something to do with the fact that I don't like dressing up, chocolate or being scared. I don't know. That being said, I had a pretty nice Halloween. I was able to recycle an old costume, go to some fun house parties and drink some interesting punch. My only regret is that my apathy stopped me from discovering this costume earlier:

SRIRACHA! Brilliant! And I totally could have worn my new red fanny pack with it too! Damn it. 

Oh, also, I saw like 13 Waldos from Where's Waldo. Is he making a comeback?


Muttville: Molly

Molly is so cute! Something that always tugs at my heart is when the dog's tongue hangs out of their mouth. And with Molly it's always there.

Happy Molly:

Look-at-my-accessories Molly:
Please-stop-taking-my-picture Molly:

Lorax trailer

Aww, this looks kind of cute. I so want to hate it though.


Wall art

I moved into a new room in my apartment and there's this perfect little cubby that's screaming for a poster. I just can't choose:

1. Reading glasses...get it?!  SQUEE!

2. Flamingo watercolor. I think this is so pretty, but no matter how many times people tell me I'm a Charlotte I just don't think pink is me.

3. Since I get up at 6:00 everyday, it'd be nice to have something smiling at me that early.

4. I live in both awe and terror of whales. I can't even explain it. Wait, yes I can: I love them from AFAR.

5. My absolute favorite Beatles song and a message that I need to keep telling myself when I get the grumps.

6. This one's not really a contender, but it does express a really specific human experience that I identify with. Speaking of, I really would love to punch someone in the face someday.