
So lame, so MIA.

I know, I know! I don't have any excuses, really. I kept thinking nothing was good enough, but I think I set the bar too high out of laziness. However -

1. I'm recommitted to blog randomness!

2. I'm 27 now! You know who else was born on May 7? Eva Peron. Yeah, it's otherwise not a very notable date.

3. Work is good. Commute is good. I was going to write a blog post about things I learned on the train, but then I realized it was stuff I should have known already. You know? like...don't sit near the public toilet.

4. I only have one more season of Dexter before I'm all caught up - can't wait!

5. It's only May 9 and I've already been to 2 baseball games!

So that's me. I'll try to be better.


Neha said...

Welcome back! I missed your blog updates.

Anonymous said...

seriously gurrlll!!