
I wanna dance with somebody

Sometimes you just have to dance it out! We've all been there:

Around 1:20 when she pulls out that lighter though? So much awesome.


pastrami.mike said...

Damn it, Christine. This video was so awesome I had to create an account with blogger just so I could comment on your post. Amazing.

pastrami.mike said...

And the "word verification" I had to enter in order to post my last comment was "nippl". Without the "e". Creepy.

anotherChristine said...


So amazing! OK, 2 things.

1. According to the band: "We see these two dancing all the time. When we first saw them we couldn't stop watching them and it threw us off a little, but now its normal to see them at shows.  We love having them. They are great people."

2. How cute are they? There's more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYHhXTQwr1k&feature=fvw