
Toy Story facts

BuzzFeed put together 33 fun facts that you probably didn't know about the Toy Story trilogy. I only knew one of them, good stuff. Here were my favorites:

1. Toy Story 3 is the only Toy Story film not to receive a 100% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. It still however received a relatively high score of 99%.

17. Pixar presented an early draft of the film to Disney on November 19, 1993. The result was disastrous. The film was deemed unwatchable. It presented Woody as a “sarcastic jerk” who was constantly insulting the other toys. Disney immediately shut down production pending a new script. The story team spent a week on a new script to make Woody a more likable character, instead of the “sarcastic jerk” he had been.

27. The green three eyed aliens have a circled pizza (pepperoni and mushroom) on their fronts.

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